What do several hundred real estate agents who represent the top 20% of their local market centers so on a Tuesday evening and a full Wednesday near the end of October? I’ll tell you what, they get together to mastermind at the Keller Williams Realty ALC Clinic in Orlando, Florida with Mo Anderson, leader, philanthropist and author.
The Florida Hotel and Convention Center was the perfect location to host the gathering.They even turned the entry fountain pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! ALC stands for Agent Leadership Council. Each Keller Williams Realty Market Center has an ALC that helps local leadership in their growth and business objectives, as they service local Realtors reach their personal potential.
If you don’t know Mo Anderson, you should definitely look into her. Sometimes referred to as the “velvet hammer”, Mo is an astonishing leader and continues to uplift other professionals at 87-years young. Mo wrote the book “A Joy Filled Life” and has blessed many through its message.
The day was filled with discussions about team culture, agent growth, success stories and best practices including hundreds of Realtors from across the North Florida Region of Keller Williams Realty.
One thing I love about the KW culture is the willingness of the agents to share with each other the good, the bad and the ugly, in an effort to help each other maximize our personal business growth and success. It’s such an uplifting environment.
I was lucky enough to win a ticket to the CEO Summit with Gary Keller which takes place next year with the KW Family Reunion in Las Vegas. I am pretty excited to be learning directly from our founder and leader. If you’re a Realtor, and would like to attend, the KW Family Reunion is open to all. It’s an industry leading training and development conference with knowledge and insights that benefit all real estate professionals. Contact me online or by cell if you’re interested. Tickets are available for purchase now.
Written by
Jared Weggeland
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